Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Reading Notes: Mahabharata Film

So I decided that I would watch the film the Mahabharata by Peter Brook. The first part of the film that I watched was very interesting. I enjoyed it, but it was different to me, maybe thats because I don't have a great taste for older movies, or something of that sort, but it was truly interesting. I thought that parts of the film were rather mellow dramatic in the end, maybe a lot less dramatic then the actual story would say. I feel like everything in the storybook that we read was very dramatic. This film seemed to me just to make the story almost get to the dramatic level, but then it just dies. One scene that sticks out to me as being this form of melodramatic was the scene of Pandu's death. There was that of a build up between him and his wife and then all the sudden he just rolls over dead. It wasn't that I wanted to watch them make love or anything, but the whole scene just build and died so quickly that it made it kinda strange in my view, especially when I look at the story and see the drama that is added into it. Over all the story was good and I felt like it followed the epic really well to the best of my knowledge, I enjoyed seeing it played out by humans in "real life". It made the story more real to me and helped me to understand how in human ways of life these events could have played out. I really did enjoy this film as interesting as it was. I am excited to continue to watch the film and see how this adaptation finishes. I am hoping to see it follow the rest of the epic as closely as possible.

Peter Brook's Mahabharata

Peter Brook's Mahabharata
Link to Film

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