Friday, January 20, 2017

Time Strategies

Time management and me are not the best of friends. At least not when I was really in college. Since I "graduated" I have become better at time management. I used to wait till last minute, usually meaning right before class to get everything turned in, but now I usually get all my work done with plenty of time. Time management for me now looks like planning everything out in my planner and making sure that I start working on things needed to be a few days before, and if I know it's going to be a harder project or assignment then I will start working even earlier than that. My distraction level is still high. I have a bad time with watching TV and working, so I try to turn my TV off and work. I read the article, The Important Habit of Just Starting by Jory Mackay. I thought that the model he gave of Motivation = expectancy x value / impulsiveness x delay was a very helpful model to understand. I find that my what I expect and value is important in my motivational standard. If I am expecting more and hold a higher value on what I am doing, I usually have a higher desire to to work on things. On the opposite end of that spectrum, I find the that impulsiveness and delay play a large role in how I use my time management. TV easily distracts me, and when I do, I tend to fall into the TV, if you will, so that I completely go to TV and not work. Overall I tend to do well with my time management. There are of course times when I fail to have good time management, but I try to keep that at a minimal and my production rate high.

Time Management strategy sheet that shows how motivation is produced. 

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