Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Reading Notes: The Ramayana part D

The attack continues when Rama makes it to the shore between India and Lanka. A bridge is formed which is then called “Rama’s Bridge”, which allowed the army to get to Lanka. The army was so large and strong, and Ravana sent spies to find out more about the army and when they returned they told Ravana to give up Sita. Ravana would not listen. The war began and an illusion of Rama’s head was given to Ravana and in his excitement he finds out that it was a false head. Monkeys begin to attack Ravana’s army, scaring his army, but they bounced back and begin to scare the monkey army. After many monkeys die, they are thrown into a panic. Lakshmana is attacked in the battle and is wounded to the looks of death, and so is Rama. They are then found by Goruda and given healing by him. After they are found and seen healed, the monkeys gain their courage and attack again. The largest and baddest demon is awoken early from his slumber and attacks the monkey army. He kills many and injures Hanuman. Rama makes Hanuman fall into the ocean where he then dies. Ravana’s son then gives up an offering and receives a bow that he uses to attack the army, he fought hard and well, but is killed in battle and Ravana then grows fierce with rage towards Rama. He does not make it to long before he too falls to Rama and the battle ends. Rama finds Sita and to prove her innocence she climbs into a fire that she asked the god of the fire to save her from, she is saved and is seen as pure, and they go home. Rama takes the throne finally. people questions Sita’s purity and Rama sends her away. She gave birth to two sons of Rama in the wilderness. She then dies and Rama then goes to be in the heavens. 

Sources used: M. DuttR. DuttGouldGriffithHodgsonMackenzieNiveditaOmanRichardson, and Ryder.

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