Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Reading Notes: Epified Krishna Comes part A

This week I decided to watch the epiffied version of Little Krishna. In this video, they tell the story of Krishna, how he was born to all the epic acts he did. It starts with his parents being imprisoned by his uncle who was told that he would die by the the eighth son of his parents. When he was born his father escaped his prison and went to a village where he exchanged his son with a daughter from the villager. When he returned the king was happy because he saw they had a daughter and not a son. The villager woke up the next morning and thought she had a daughter but woke up to a son. She was confused, but happy that she had a child. It didn't take long for her to realize that Krishna was special and not just an ordinary baby. She found Krishna eating dirt and when he opened his mouth, Krishna’s mom saw the universe in his mouth. Krishna became known as the trouble maker of the village, he would go around and steal from the villagers. I find it strange that in Hindu religion, people watch the gods and know that they came to show what not to do, instead of what to do. I am a Christian, so this was different to me. But anyways, the story is good. Krishna and his friends became known as the butter thieves for all the butter that they stole from the villagers. One day Krishna and his friends decided to go to the lake, it was a dangerous lake that had a deadly snake that poisoned the water along with the air. So while Krishna was playing his famous flute, all his friends became poisoned by the air. Krishna being upset about this summoned the snake and played his flute. While he played the snake was wrangled and his poison left. So his friends woke up and they all went home safely. This was the beginning of the story of little Krishna and his growing up. As He grew up he did a lot more awesome things and rescued many people in his village. I am excited to get to watch these stories because I really love the story of little Krishna. I think that his younger days were the best days and his adventures then were a lot of fun. I am looking forward to reading more. 

Little Krishna

Krhisna Comes

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