In this section of the Bhagavad Gita I learned that the that the character, Arjuna, was speaking to Krishna really with what seemed to be a loss of hope on his end. He did not want to fight his family but he was weighed down by the conviction of duty, dharma as they call it. So throughout this section of the story Krishna is really persuading Arujna to fight because of his dharma. This is important because Arjuna was really convicted against this but knew that Krishna was the god who was going to tell him what to do even through an undesired to do as Krisna commanded. Throughout this section we learn different stories that Krishna tell that relate to the faith that one must have. In each of these chapters of the Bhagavad Gita Krishna tells what it means, through story and theology what it means to have faith. So he described different types of faith so that Arjuna could really understand him. These theologies of the different types of faith help build the Hindu religion and what it looks like to follow on these different paths that one must take. These stories of theology also help build the backbone of the society that begins with the different types of classes that we still see today. It is important to understand as we read this book that it is not just an epic but it builds the religion and the society of India itself. I really enjoyed this book as I read because I got to lo ok at the conversation that was going on between Arjuna and Krishna during the Mahabharata. It is also great because we get to see how distraught Arjuna was over fightin his family. He was so upset about it that at one point he tells Krishna to become his charioteer again so he doesn't have to listen to a god telling him what he should do. I am excited that I will be reading the rest of this book because I want to dive deeper into an understanding of just how hard it is for Arjuna to fight and also learn about all the types of stories that were used to create an entire religion and society.
The Bhagavad Gita
The Bhagavad Gita
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